100 Years Update


Blimey, that went well! The five minute standing-ovation from our Eastbourne audience was an incredibly touching moment for all of us on stage. We were all absolutely delighted with how our new concert "100 Years of Big Bands" was received; it was such a buzz to be back playing in a theatre to a real audience!

Bunny Thompson's jaw-dropping rendition of Rhapsody In Blue, Matt Ford with the Sammy Davis/Buddy Rich version of Come Back To Me and Nicola Emmanuelle with Ella's 'S Wonderful were stand-out moments for me.

We'll be repeating the programme this Sunday afternoon at Cadogan Hall. This is my personal favourite London concert hall, with fabulous acoustics and a great feel. There are still some tickets left so if you've nothing in the diary, then head to Sloane Square this Sunday afternoon.


A Jubilant Warner Date


More Than Just A Stick of Rock